06 Oktober 2009 - Photografi

Mulai hari ni, aku nak kongsi serba skit knowledge photografi yg aku ada bersama korang kat luar sana. Notes kat bwh ni aku yg tulis sendiri kat whiteboard. Sorry la eh kalu tulisan aku mcm cakar kucing. Hahaha.

Macamana nak set camera kpd Aperture?

Aperture adalah bukaan yg membenarkan bukaan/cahaya masuk. Semakin besar nilai F maka semakin jelas keseluruhan gambar. Semakin kecil nilai F maka semakin blur latarbelakang gambar tetapi objek terdekat yg di fokus akan semakin jelas.

Contoh :

All Focus Aperture, menggunakan f/11. Keselurahan image adalah dalam fokus.
Lanscape Aperture, menggunakan f/5.6. Jika diperhatikan objek dekat adalah jelas tetapi background agak blur.
Blurred Back Aperture, menggunakan f/5.6. Jika diperhatikan objek dekat adalah sangat jelas tetapi background adalah sangat blur.

Online Photography Course

Understanding how each mode works separately, is vitally important before trying M (manual mode). Learn how to use aperture priority and how different F numbers effect the overall image. Then and only then, will you fully understand how to use it when shooting in manual (M) mode.

Assignment: Lesson in aperture priority mode

1. Set your camera to aperture priority mode. For Canon users, this means turning your mode dial to AV. Nikon users need to change the dial to the letter A. If you don't see the letters AV or A, then refer to your camera manual.

2. Change your camera's aperture F stop to the lowest number possible for your lens. It's important to note that each lens will be able to shoot at different apertures. Expensive lenses can go as low as F1, where most on average will be able to shoot at around F4.

3. Go outside and photograph a close object where the background elements are far away in distance. This is extreme to ensure you easily see the visual differences as you change the F number. On a low F number, you should notice the background is very blurred, when compared to the main object that is in focus.

4. Now change the aperture number to around F7.1 and take the shot again.

5. Take two more photographs, firstly with an aperture of F11, and then F22.

6. Download and open all 4 photographs on your computer and see the difference that can be seen in the background. Notice the lower the F number, the more blurred the background. The higher the F number, the more of the background that is seen in focus.

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